
The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

Early Irish legal tract consisting of a brief prologue and an extended dialogue between Conn Cétchathach and his judge Caratnia concerning 51 judgments that are ostensibly flawed yet are supported by exceptions to the norm.

Manuscript witnesses

pp. 80, 85   
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
‘The false judgments of Caratnia’
f. 62v(112)b.44
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
CIH 2192.1-2199.26. Complete, glossed copy.
f. 62v(112)b.44ff  


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 6, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
comments: numbered pp. 1926–2343; diplomatic edition of legal material from:
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1336 (continued)
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1387
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1308
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 4783
  • London, British Library, MS Nero A 7
  • Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, MS NKS 261b
  • Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 3
  • Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 11
  • Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS C i 2
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318/16
  • Dublin, Trinity College, MS E 3. 3
2192.1–2199.26 Rawlinson B 502.
[ed.] Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 5, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
Volume 5 of the Corpus iuris Hibernici, which is numbered pp. 1532–1925, contains diplomatic editions of legal material from TCD 1363 (H 4. 22), the Book of Ballymote (RIA 23 P 12), BL Egerton 90 and TCD 1336 (H 3. 17).
1582.1–25 TCD 1363/8.
[ed.] [tr.] Thurneysen, Rudolf, “Aus dem irischen Recht III: 4. Die falschen Urteilssprüche Caratnia’s”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 15 (1925): 302–370.
[add.] [corr.] Thurneysen, Rudolf [ed. and tr.], “Aus dem irischen Recht IV [6. Zu den bisherigen Ausgaben der irischen Rechtstexte]”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 16 (1926–1927): 167–230.
[add.] [corr.] Thurneysen, Rudolf, “Aus dem irischen Recht V [7. Zu Gūbretha Caratniad; 8. Zum ursprünglichen Umfang des Senchas Mār; 9. Zu der Etymologie von irisch rāth ‘Bürgschaft’ und zu der irischen Kanonensammlung und der Triaden; 10. Nachträge zur Bürgschaft]”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 18 (1930): 353–408.